European Accredited Training Institute for Systemic Psychotherapy (EAPTI)

Centre for individual, partnership & family psychotherapy, diagnostics, education & prevention of mental health.

Association for research, education & prevention of mental health for individuals, children and families

Empowering Families with Evidence-Based Support, Expert Guidance and Programs for Positive Parenting and Development of children and adolescens

Who we are

Empowering the individuals and society to reach their full potential through shared knowledge and alternative skills and solutions, fostering equality and prosperity for all within interconnected human systems.

What we do​

Prevention and promotion of mental health through culturally sensitive education, therapy, and research, promoting systemic understanding across diverse human contexts.


Our YouTube channel

Самодоверба - Мирјана Цветковиќ, Психолог, Семеен и Системски Советник

ПАНИЧНИ НАПАДИ, честа тема во психотерапијата - Натка Пачоска, клинички психолог, психотерапевт

Важноста на семејните релации - Прим д-р Славица Гајдаѕис Кнежевиќ, психијатар, психотерапевт

Доследност на родителите - Мирјана Цветковиќ, Психолог, Семеен и Системски Советник

Подобрување на родителските вештини - Прим. Др. Славица Гајдаѕис Кнезевиќ